The Mollificio O.F. has been on the market for more than 40 years.
We produce compression, traction and torsion springs;
Shaped or printed details in wire and tape
Mollificio O.F. was fonded in 1977, and today it serves as a base for the production of steel springs and
elastic components being used by more than one thousand customers in Italy and Europe.
Each working phase, from raw material control to final product control, is based on the specific requirements of the customers, putting together the benefits offered by tecnology with the experience and skills of the staff.
The benefits of the 4 th industrial revolution merge with the passion for the craftsman’s work.
The benefits of the 4 th industrial revolution merge with the passion
for the craftsman’s work.
01. Our products
Examples of samples of our works.
02. Application fields
Fields in witch you can use our products either for industrial use or for daily use components.
03. Latest News
Updates on new products/processes or general communication.